OSCM's outstanding Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Excellence will raise your Expectations!

  • Initial 3 Point Contact

  • • Physician

  • • Claimant

  • • Employer within 24 hours


  • Aggressive Medical Case Management

  • - Attend Medical Appointments

  • - Physician Interview Forms (same day to adjuster)

  • - Therapist Contact/Visits

  • - Set up IME's, FCE, Testing


Active Vocational Component

  • - Employer Visits

  • - On-Site Observation

  • - Job Analysis

  • - Ergonomic Assessments (Certified)

  • - Expert Witness Testimony, if necessary



  • On Going Communication with Adjustors

  • Regular Progress Notes

  • Monthly Reports and Billing

  • Includes: Updated Medical and Vocational Status

  • Rehabilitation Summary

  • Rehabilitation Recommendations

  • FREE Copy and Review • Pick up and drop off


Superior insight, innovative techniques, and effective communication skills. Expedite cases through Recovery to Resolution, fast and efficiently!